Group CBT l

Disseminating Group CBT – What You Need To Know

Clients often have similar stories, so it is a no-brainer to treat those with the same story in a group. But groups can go badly wrong – a colleague of mine was unavailable to lead a group because of illness, one of the group ‘stepped-in’ and ran the group at his flat, suggesting that he would be a much better group leader!

On September 6th I am giving a 1 Day Workshop on Delivering Group CBT to Bedford IAPT, one of many I have delivered to BABCP local Groups and IAPT. In 2013 when I gave the workshop in Copenhagen I discovered that  there Group CBT is the usual mode of service provision and therapists have to justify individual therapy, they found it surprising that in the UK we  did not operate that way. There are free group materials for depression, anxiety disorders and PTSD if you click the Resources button on this site, from Simply Effective Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (2011) London: Routledge. The Workshops have raised a whole host of questions that might be worth discussions in your locality and/or on this forum:



The learning objectives for the Delivering Group CBT workshop are for attendees to be able to answer most of the following questions by the end of the day:

  1. How do we ensure that we don’t play a numbers game with regards to groups?
  2. Why not admit all-comers?
  3. Aren’t classes a better use of resources than groups?
  4. How do we select the right people?
  5. Is group CBT really an answer to a Manager’s prayer?
  6. How do you identify and circumvent special problems in marketing group CBT?
  7. How can you integrate individual and group cbt?
  8. What is the structure of a session?
  9. What might the session by session content look like for depression and the anxiety disorders?
  10. How do you capitalise on group members assembling and/or departing?
  11. Do you have to specify groundrules?
  12. How do I handle clients with more than one disorder/difficulty in a group?
  13. How do you handle the difficult client?
  14. How do I know if the group is making a socially significant, real world difference?
  15. Which groups are best to start with?
  16. How do I manage group processes?
  17. How can I know whether I am managing group processes well?
  18. How does group cbt compare to individual cbt in terms of effectiveness?
  19. What if you are expected to run a group alone?
  20. How do you divide up the work between leader and co-leader?
  21. How should leader and co-leader debrief each other?
  22. Can you really do Socratic dialogue in a group?
  23. Are there advantages to a story telling/narrative approach in groups?
  24. What are useful materials?
  25. What can you do if your supervisor has no experience of group CBT?                                                    Dr Mike Scott