
NHS Talking Therapies – Where Therapeutic Outcome is Designed for Income

Clients attend psychological therapy with a perceived problem/s to be solved. The resolution of the problem/s has therefore to be an integral part of outcome. Is a psychometric test score result, a reasonable surrogate for a resolution of a problem/s? NHS Talking Therapies claims it is. The received mantra is that 50% of the Service’s clients score below the cut-off for a ‘case’ at their last contact with the Service, an alleged 50% recovery rate. 

By the Services own metric, it has a very marketable product, attracting Government funding of £2 billion a year for adult and child services. There is no wish on the part of politicians,  Healthcare professionals or the media to scrutinise the Service’s claim, they understandably want to believe that they are making a difference. But it behoves all concerned to consider alternative explanations for the apparent ‘success’, however this does require effort and it is easy for the professionals to claim competing demands on their time. It is comforting to think that 1 in 2 of those attending for psychological treatment are permanently recovered. But there is no evidence of the permanence of any positive change as clients traverse NHS Talking Therapies. Fluctuations in the severity of any disorder is the norm, seizing on a ‘flash in the pan, dip’ is at best, disingenuous and at worst *******.  

Dr Mike Scott



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