
Public Health England’s Breathtaking Naivety On Mental Health

the Government’s flagship mental health provider, Improving Access to Psychological Treatments (IAPT) has been a serial offender when it comes to non-declarations of conflicts of interest. If this were not enough, IAPT has been allowed to mark its own homework. It has not been subjected to publicly funded independent evaluation. All despite the taxpayer paying IAPT’s bill of £4billion. Unfortunately determining which publicly funded ‘Experts’ decided what, when and in collaboration with whom is likely to be as daunting as discovering who decided what with regards to the pandemic.  It’s about as transparent as our major rivers. But there is a pressing need for a public inquiry.

Latest Violation

IAPT’s latest violation occurred in a paper examining the agencies data in last months British Journal of Clinical Psychology, when an IAPT Programme Director and corresponding author  declared no conflict of interest. I protested to the Editor Professor Grisham about this violation and  that the authors, though citing my study of 90 IAPT clients failed to mention the key message of the study was that the recovery rate was 10% These authors positively framed their findings to underline the frequently re-iterated claim of IAPT that it approaches a 50% recovery rate. My Commentary on the Journal article has been accepted for publication in it  in the near future.

Violation By The Prime Movers In IAPT

 In 2018 a study was published in the Lancet, and funded by the Wellcome Trust, and headed ‘Transparency about the outcomes of mental health services (IAPT approach): an analysis of public data’ and states:

‘Role of the funding source
The funder of the study had no role in study design, data
collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of
the report. The corresponding author had full access to
all the data in the study and had final responsibility for
the decision to submit for publication’.

But there is no mention that the lead author is the leading light in IAPT, and that with one of the other authors, Lord Layard, they were the architects of IAPT.

A Systemic Problem 

In July 2017 I protested to the Editor of Behavior Research and Therapy (BRAT), that no conflict of interest had been declared in a paper authored by Ali et al published in that month’s issue of the Journal, focusing on IAPT data on relapse after low intensity interventions. I pointed out that the lead author headed the Northern IAPT research network.

In October 2015 Behavioural And Cognitive Psychotherapy published a paper by Kellet et al about an IAPT service ‘Large Group Stress Control’ this was authored by an IAPT teacher and researcher and appears without any statement of conflict of interest. 


Dr Mike Scott

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