
Corona Virus Response and Pathologising Normality

at a 1 day workshop I delivered on March 4th (‘Getting Back To Me Post Trauma’ ) I included the following slides, which with hindsight seem particularly relevant:

  1. Listen to The Story

    ‘ I’ve been back to Hong Kong a couple of times since the unrest began last Summer. A family member was terminally ill and  died recently, his affairs are still in a mess. It was terrible there, I was frightened to go out because of gangs and you just don’t know who will be listening. I am worried about my family still living there, could be effected by the Corona virus’

    Imagine this person has presented for a mental health assessment. How do you proceed? 


    You could…
    •Administer the PHQ9 and with his score of greater than or equal to 10 conclude he had probable depression
    •Administer the PCL-5 and with his score of greater than 31-33 conclude he had probable PTSD
    •Consider that he has  adjustment difficulties or is suffering from an adjustment  disorder
  3. Are We in Danger of Pathologising Normality?

decided to write a book Traumatised as a project in my relative isolation (71)

Best wishes


Mike Scott