
IAPT Revolving Door Data Casts Doubt on Recovery Rate

following a Freedom of Information Request from Dr Elisabeth Cotton last year, it appears that 1.5 million people were referred to IAPT between 2 and 10 or more occasions in a 6 year period (2012-2018), with 3.2 million people referred just once. A re-referral indicates that treatment had no enduring effect. Further IAPTs claim is for a 50% recovery rate,  thus at face value 1.6 million would have recovered, but this is only a third (34.5%) of those referred, not a half! Thus even within IAPT’s own terms its’ claims are dubious. 

The staff of my local coffee shop always say ‘see you soon’ as I depart, perhaps this is what IAPT ought to say to clients albeit that in low intensity they won’t actually ‘see’ them, such hospitality.