On March 4th 2020 I gave a One Day Workshop Getting Back To Me Post Trauma detailing the practical implications of my recently published paper ptsd an alternative paradigm. Hope you enjoy the Powerpoint presentation and find the paper interesting. There is a video commentary on the day at cbtwatch.com, please feel free to make your comments and observations there or e-mail me on michaeljscott1@virginmedia.com.
I have just been preparing for a Workshop, I am delivering to the Merseyside Branch of BABCP, on October 4th 2018, titled ‘CBT for PTSD and Beyond’. At this Workshop I shall unveil my KISS Model of PTSD. KISS for the uninitiated stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. Unlike trauma focussed models of CBT and EMDR, it does not assume a flawed traumatic memory or arrested information processing.
As part of the presentation I will be saying that therapists should beware of questionnaires as they will overidentify symptoms because:
a) they don’t tease out whether a particular symptom is making a ‘Real World’ Difference e.g a respondent might indicate upsetting dreams, but if they are not woken by the dream and distressed this is not significant functional impairment and so would not count as a symptom that is ‘present’
b) in completing a questionnaire client’s are often not clear about the time frame under consideration, endorsing flashbacks/nightmares when they did have them initially but they are past, and also endorsing symptoms currently present such as poor sleep. For a diagnosis of disorder symptoms have to be simultaneously present and each must make a ‘real world’ difference. Only in an interview can you tease out both and request concrete examples of the extent to which a symptom is impairing functioning
Dr Mike Scott