In 2021 Drew et al examined audiotapes of Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPS) and revealed that clients were not listened to and the PWPs were hellbent on pursuing orders. Despite this no steps were taken to remedy the problem. Next month there is a webinar on how to shut clients up further, euphemistically termed ‘Managing Time Boundaries……‘ sponsored by the artificial intelligence company Limbic, the major sponsor of NHS Talking Therapy events. The advertising reads:
This free webinar led by Josh Cable-May, CBT Specialist, Limbic has been designed for NHS Talking Therapies professionals working in IAPT across the country to help you build effective time boundaries. In just one hour, learn how you can:
• Manage the ‘run away’ sessions and regain focus to meet therapeutic goals
• Approach and conduct useful conversations with clients about time boundaries
• Map out clear session objectives and pathways with clients to meet recovery targets’
Thank you to our sponsors Limbic’.

To quote Drew et als’ (2021) study of telephone-guided low intensity IAPT communications:
‘We show the ways in which the lack of flexibility in adhering to a system-driven structure can displace, defer or disrupt the emergence of the patient’s story, thereby compromising the personalisation and responsiveness of the service’
‘routine assessment measure questionnaires prioritised interactionally, thereby compromising patient-centredness in these sessions’.
Dr Mike Scott